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  • Kiki Sileshi


If you don’t know, in Xinjiang, China the Uighur Muslims are being held in concentration camps where they are abused, raped, forced to eat pork and drink alcohol, and are overall being tortured. The news is not covering these cases so today you will learn more about the modern-day holocaust that is happening in China. Why are the people of Xinjiang, China not doing anything? China has done a very good job of keeping their camps a total secret from the public. If you walk by you will see a completely closed-off building with no way to see what is going on inside. Even if someone managed to see that there were people being held in there, there would be no way for them to inform the media without fearing for their lives.

Why is the media not saying anything? If you google this issue then you will be able to find some world news organizations talking about it. But if you turn on the TV, you won’t hear anything about it. This is because whenever the media tries to go and get some information they make them stop filming immediately so that we can’t see it. When reporters ask what the giant closed off building is, they just respond by saying that it’s a “re-education school” for people who have “problems with their thoughts” So when the media goes, they don’t really get any good information. How do we know about these camps? Unfortunately, the Chinese government does everything beyond its power to disclose these camps to the public and the media. There are very few people who have escaped and when they do they make sure that their voices are heard. Unfortunately, that is not a big enough story enough for big news organizations to do live reports on, but it’s a big enough story for the people to be concerned and try to take action. A story from a survivor Orynbek Koksybek is an ethnic Kazakh who spent several months in camps. "I spent seven days of hell there," he says. "My hands were handcuffed, my legs were tied. They threw me in a pit. I raised both my hands and looked above. At that moment, they poured water. I screamed. I don't remember what happened next. I don't know how long I was in the pit but it was winter and very cold. They said I was a traitor, that I had dual citizenship, that I had a debt and owned land. None of that was true,” he says. How can you help As just random civilians we can’t do that much to actually change what is going on because that is something way beyond our power. What we can do is sign petitions and educate people on what is going on, and raise awareness. History is repeating itself and they are in a modern-day holocaust, and people are not doing enough to help. So do your part and try to inform as many people as possible about this. Thanks for reading!


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