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Hello everyone and welcome back! Today we are going to be talking about homelessness. As of September, 21, 2020, throughout the world 150 million people are homeless. According to The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, the top four reasons of homelessness are not being able to afford housing, unemployment, poverty, mental illness, and substance abuse. This is devastating. So many people around the world are left without a home and very little help.

What homeless people go through

Homeless people go through so much everyday. Some examples are nutrition problems, mental health problems, depression, substance abuse, and more. According to the Australian Human Rights Commission, “homeless people also experience significantly higher rates of death, disability and chronic illness than the general population.” This is horrible. There needs to be a change. Homeless people are human too.

Liam’s Lunches of Love

Hermela and I have a friend who used to go to school with us. His name is Liam Hannon. Liam has a program called “Liam’s Lunches of Love”. He makes lunches and gives them out to homeless people in his community. He doesn’t just give them lunches, he makes friendships and bonds with them. You can check out his website, or you can follow him on instagram, @liamslunchesoflove.

How you can help

Here are some ways you can help: You can be respectful! If you walk by someone, say good morning, or greet them , just be kind. Another way you can help is to volunteer. Visit your local homeless shelter and see how you can help. You can also donate! Donate your old clothes, shoes, toys, blankets, anything helps! Finally, you can donate money to homeless shelters, and organizations. You can search up places to donate in your area. Please check them out. Thank you for reading!


About Us

ListenSpeakAct is a youth organization informing others on the social injustices occurring in our world through education, awareness, and activism! Through our informative blog posts and social media platforms, we encourage others to advocate for their beliefs and empower youth to develop their voice in activism.

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