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America has been dealing with a lot recently. The coronavirus is still keeping people quarantined in their homes, social distancing, and taking measures to ensure their safety. But even over this, we the people have decided to unite over one cause, the murder of George Floyd. A father, a son, a friend, and most importantly, human. But does the color of his skin overrule his life?

When I first heard about what had happened, I was disgusted, in shock, and most importantly disappointed in our country. On May 25th, 2020 the Minneapolis police killed George Floyd on the street, in front of bystanders, for the alleged crime of using a fake 20 dollar bill to buy cigarettes. A white officer kneed him in the neck against the ground for 8 minutes and 46 seconds as Floyd kept on repeating “I can’t breath.” One of his last words was “They’re going to kill me.” I mean, are you serious?

This anger in me was also felt by many people across the nation, in all 50 states. Even in other countries like Hong Kong, Canada, and London . Why was his death necessary? The simple answer for that is it wasn’t. He didn’t need to die. Floyd begged for the officer to stop, but that man, Derek Chauvin, didn’t have the humanity to do so. All because he was a black person in America, a crime in itself. The pigment of our skin is a mark that has a chance to take our life.

We can’t say all lives matter until black lives matter. We are among the oppressed, and the world has had many years to solve this problem, yet here we are, going through these same “mistakes” over and over again.

In response to George Floyd’s murder, protests have erupted across the planet. I was so inspired. Thousands marched for justice in their cities, making their voices heard. The COVID- 19 pandemic meant nothing to the people who showed up to march. Unfortunately, the peaceful protests soon took a violent turn. Police officers showed up with maze, tear gas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets. It was horrifying. Stores burned, police cars smashed, buildings vandalized, along with rioting and looting. Governors have tried to impose curfews to calm everyone down, but most haven’t been followed. I saw what was a positive experience become so dark.

Negative comments haven’t helped the cause either. President Donald Trump called the rioters THUGS in a tweet, and also said “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” Additionally, there has been something going around called the George Floyd challenge, where white kids have been kneeing each other on the neck to the ground just like what happened to Floyd. This is one of the most sickening things I’ve ever seen.

In regards to the racism and police brutality, violence, and ignorance that’s been displayed in the world, we have to stop it all! It’s not okay, there needs to be change. This situation will only get better if we can figure out how to work as one to solve the problem. Hopefully one day black lives will really matter.


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ListenSpeakAct is a youth organization informing others on the social injustices occurring in our world through education, awareness, and activism! Through our informative blog posts and social media platforms, we encourage others to advocate for their beliefs and empower youth to develop their voice in activism.

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