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The LGBTQIA+ Community

Hello again! We are back with yet another blog post. This blog post is about LGBTQIA+ people. We have gotten some requests for this topic, so we decided to write about it! So, here is what it stands for:

L= Lesbian, which is when women are attracted to women.

G=Gay, which is when men are attracted to men.

B=Bisexual, which is when people are attracted to both genders.

T=Transgender, which is when one gender decides they feel more like the opposite gender.

Q=Queer, which is when you haven’t exactly made a decision about what their gender is.

I=Intersex, which is when you’re born with anatomy's that aren’t quite a male or females.

A=Asexuality, is when you aren’t attracted to any genders.

These are the different types of people in that community. Some other ones are: Cisgender, which is when you feel as the gender that you were born as. Another one is gender fluid. Being gender fluid is when some days you feel more feminine, and some you feel more masculine.

I am reading a book called The Symptoms Of Being Human.”by Jeff Garvin. In this book, the main character is gender fluid. They described it as a compass in your chest, and when you wake up its either on the feminine side, or the masculine side. That example really stuck out to me because I thought it was very clever. My opinion is very strong. I strongly believe that anyone can be whoever they want to be and I am very proud of anyone who has the courage to come out to the world and tell them their true identity. I believe that it is an extremely brave thing to do. It takes massive guts to come out and tell everyone who you really are.

This blog is to inform you of these different people who have risen up and expressed themselves. Did you know that 80% of gay and lesbian youth report severe social isolation? That is upsetting. Anyone who has the guts to come out and express themselves should not get all of the crap that other people are giving them. Everybody should feel safe enough to tell people who they are. So whoever is giving these amazing, brave, and inspiring people hate about who they are can leave and stop. Just stop. Whoever feels like they are being disrespected by other people can contact me and I promise, I will reply, because you don’t deserve what you are getting. Anyone can love who they want to love. Anyone can be whoever they want to be. Be strong. We all believe in you.


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ListenSpeakAct is a youth organization informing others on the social injustices occurring in our world through education, awareness, and activism! Through our informative blog posts and social media platforms, we encourage others to advocate for their beliefs and empower youth to develop their voice in activism.

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