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Hello everyone! We are back with another post. Today we are going to be talking about what it means to be an activist. The google definition of “activist” is “a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.” Being an activist means to speak out for what you believe in. Speaking out against things like racism, discrimination, sexism, and more! If you want to be an activist it is important to really think about ways to improve our world, and then do them! Being an activist means not just thinking about solutions, but going out there and doing them! Our blog is called “Listen Speak Act” for a reason!

There are many ways to become an activist at any age! Some might think that being an activist could be a lot of work, but really there are a lot of ways to show that you care about these important issues that are in our everyday lives. Hermela will discuss some examples of how you can be an activist next week! You probably see many forms of activism everyday, like the Black Lives Matter movement, the #MeToo movement and more! Being an activist is devoting your time to spread awareness for important issues.

Some examples of activists are Harrriet Tubman who conducted the underground railroad, Malala Yousafzai who fought for the right for women and girls to go to get an education, and Martin Luther King who fought for civil rights! In conclusion, anyone can become an activist, just make sure that you fight for what you belive in and never give up!


About Us

ListenSpeakAct is a youth organization informing others on the social injustices occurring in our world through education, awareness, and activism! Through our informative blog posts and social media platforms, we encourage others to advocate for their beliefs and empower youth to develop their voice in activism.

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