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Today, we are going to talk about how grateful we really are. Christmas time is coming, and we all have our Christmas wish lists ready to go, but nobody really thinks about what other people have to go through. If we don't get what we want we get upset. But when do we ever think about other people get or to be honest don't get. There are kids out there who don't even get shoes, and have to walk barefoot. How would you feel walking barefoot around your daily routine? That would be a challenge. But these people are spending so much money on toys that kids will probably look at once, then never touch again.

Now, I'm not telling you to stop getting and receiving gifts, but I'm saying that our generation should be more grateful with what we have. Thank you for reading this and I hope that now you spread the word to be more grateful with what you have.


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ListenSpeakAct is a youth organization informing others on the social injustices occurring in our world through education, awareness, and activism! Through our informative blog posts and social media platforms, we encourage others to advocate for their beliefs and empower youth to develop their voice in activism.

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