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Spotlight On: Senor Cozzi

What did Senor Cozzi do?

He was given the opportunity to go to Peru. His mom was from Peru so he wanted to work there. He studied sociology in college. His family had been very involved with helping people; especially his stepfather. When he was asked to go to Peru, his mission was to help with the recently mine poisoned land.

When he got there, he could either go on the deadliest highway on a pickup truck for 19 hours with miners, or on a 15 minute airplane ride. He chose the pickup truck. When he arrived, he saw a very poor village with very poor people. The air was so dry that a little girl’s cheeks were cut because of the humidity. He got some chapstick and started putting it on her cheeks. She did not understand what was happening so she slapped him on the face. Eventually, he found other sources of food other than the infected land.

Q: How did you meet all of the amazing people that you know now?

A: Mostly through conversations. One conversation can go a long way. And I never shut down ANY opportunities. I also grew my networking skills and talked to other people.

Q: Why did you go back to help all of those children?

A: I didn’t go back to help them at first. But when I met them, interacted with them, and got to understand their lifestyle better, it shook my soul to see them like this compared to my own life. They had a cracker and very little milk to have for snack. I could buy lots more than that. That's why I am still helping them.

Q: How did you get the money to provide for the children in Peru who were incredibly poor, and walked 7 hours to get to school every day?

A: Well, I sold tacos at the Morse Elementary School for a week. I used to teach there. Our ex-vice principal Mr. Milli, bought by far, the most tacos. Nobody can resist my tacos!

Q: Who inspires you?

A: My students. They are truly amazing.

Q: Why do you teach?

A: I love doing it. It's my passion. I believe that helping kids find the good life, which is the path to having a successful future, can change the world.

Q: What is something you are most proud of

A: I have a wife and two kids, and so I am proud about being a good father and husband. In the school that I work in, as a Spanish teacher, I am trying to be a good teacher by setting high standards for myself.

Q: What inspires or motivates you?

A: Being able to help people. That is definitely the most motivating thing in my life.


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ListenSpeakAct is a youth organization informing others on the social injustices occurring in our world through education, awareness, and activism! Through our informative blog posts and social media platforms, we encourage others to advocate for their beliefs and empower youth to develop their voice in activism.

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