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You can't deny it. A vote is the most powerful weapon for the people of the world. It is where we have the chance to rewrite the wrongs that have been put in place by those people in power. As a population, this makes us crucial to the well being of America and the world in general! Through this post, we hope you can gain a deeper understanding of what it means to vote, the importance of voting, why your vote matters, and the connection back to the current presidential election.

What does it mean to vote?

Before diving into the meaning of a vote, let's discuss the definition of a vote and voting itself. Here they are:

Vote-a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or body of individuals. (

Voting-to give or register a vote

The idea of voting can be put into many contexts. However, the most important type of voting is for political elections. This includes presidential, governors, state senators, representatives, and even local officials! No matter the exact type, voting means that you are acitizen of a democracy. It's your choice being represented in the government. You are voicing your opinion through the ballot. In America, we need to value our ability to decide who is put in office. As the population who doesn't have immediate power in the U.S. political system, our vote is our individual and collective power. To vote means to express your opinion in front of the government. Your vote is your voice, which means it's 100% important. The next section will explain exactly why.

The importance of voting

  1. You have the power to keep someone in the white house, or to get them out.

  2. Its a responsibility and a right. You have been given the privilege to be able to select your next leader. Use it!

  3. Use your voice. Don't be silenced.

Voting is so important because it lets you use your voice. You are getting an opportunity to choose who will be the leader of America for the next 4 years. If you don't vote then you are just giving up your voice. The elections are decided by the people including you. If you don't make a decision and vote then you are letting them make the decision for you. Also, voting does have its consequences. You are voting for the person who is going to make a big effect on future generations. Since they can't vote themselves, think about them and vote for who you think will make a good impact on your child, niece, nephew, or cousin's future. No matter what your opinion is it needs to be heard. If you feel like you do not want someone in office then you have the power to get them out. So use that power and go vote before it is too late.

Why your vote matters

You might be thinking "Well I'm only one person. What difference will it make if I vote or not?" The thing is, you aren't the only one thinking like that. If it was only one person, then you are right, it probably wouldn't make a huge change. But imagine 100 people thinking "oh it's only my vote, what difference will it make?" Now think of it as 1,000 people, 10,000 people, or even a million people! A million people who think it's just them.

Do you see how it is starting to make an impact? The goal is to have little to no one thinking like that. So every time you think, "It's just me," remember that it's not. Sovote. If you can't vote then try to get as many people as you can to go vote. Just remember by voting, YOU make a difference.

Tying it back to the 2020 elections

As you are well aware, this year's presidential election is between President Donald Trump and Former Vice President Joe Biden for the next four years in office. Results are in 3 days, November 3rd! This is a cornerstone election. In regards to the election in 2016, where 55.5% of the voting-age population cast a ballot, this year the number of votes have already surpassed it, at over 65.5 million! As you can see we have luckily had a much larger turnout this year, which is well needed. To have a working democracy we can't sit at the sidelines of this election and do nothing!

There is a lot of controversy around the presidential candidates. Both men aren't perfect, they've done very questionable things. A lot of people want the current president out of office, and some people want him to stay in office. But now, it's time to decide. This election may be by far the most important election we have had in awhile. If you want Donald Trump or Joe Biden in office, but you don't go vote, then that doesn't help them get in. What helps is for you, your siblings, your parents, or anyone else you know to go and vote. So hopefully you've voted! However, for those who haven't yet, for the votes that are represented to be correct, for the electoral college to be as accurate as possible, for your voice to be heard when results come in Tuesday night, VOTE. It's as simple as that :)


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ListenSpeakAct is a youth organization informing others on the social injustices occurring in our world through education, awareness, and activism! Through our informative blog posts and social media platforms, we encourage others to advocate for their beliefs and empower youth to develop their voice in activism.

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